Japanese company Capcom distanced itself from remarks of actor Ruben Langdon, famous for his role as Dante in the games of the Devil May Cry series, about supporters of US President Donald Trump and activists of the Black Lives Matter movement… The publication informs about this. Video Games Chroniclewhich received an official comment. Capcom has made it clear that it does not share Langdon’s views.
“Langdon’s views do not reflect those of Capcom,” the message said.
The Reuben Langdon scandal erupted after he drew parallels between the reaction of many Americans and the media to the summer events surrounding Black Lives Matter activists and the breakout of Donald Trump’s supporters into the Capitol. Langdon, in particular, wrote about the hypocrisy of a part of society and cited a link to a video titled “Trump Supporters Storming the Capitol Are NOT Terrorists”.
Shortly thereafter, enterprising users began to urge Capcom and Langdon’s other partners to withdraw from further cooperation with him.

Later, one of the users suggested that with his messages Langdon only wanted to convey the idea that both sides were in their own way to blame, but the BLM activists, which were scolding Trump’s supporters, did not call the part of society and the media terrorists, and that was precisely what he saw as hypocrisy and double standards. Langdon agreed with this message.
“Bingo!” The actor replied.
At the same time, several people at once accused Langdon of homophobia, transphobia and anti-Semitism.
“We met him in 2009 at Anime Expo, and he was already posting anti-Semitic and racist conspiracy theories on Facebook, and now nothing seems to have changed,” wrote translator Kazuma Hashimoto.
The actor did not react to this.
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Capcom distanced itself from actor Dante’s comments on Donald Trump supporters and Black Lives Matter movement
Japanese company Capcom distanced itself from remarks of actor Ruben Langdon, famous for his role as Dante in the games of the Devil May Cry series, about supporters of US President Donald Trump and activists of the Black Lives Matter movement… The publication informs about this. Video Games Chroniclewhich received an official comment. Capcom has made it clear that it does not share Langdon’s views.
The Reuben Langdon scandal erupted after he drew parallels between the reaction of many Americans and the media to the summer events surrounding Black Lives Matter activists and the breakout of Donald Trump’s supporters into the Capitol. Langdon, in particular, wrote about the hypocrisy of a part of society and cited a link to a video titled “Trump Supporters Storming the Capitol Are NOT Terrorists”.
Shortly thereafter, enterprising users began to urge Capcom and Langdon’s other partners to withdraw from further cooperation with him.
Later, one of the users suggested that with his messages Langdon only wanted to convey the idea that both sides were in their own way to blame, but the BLM activists, which were scolding Trump’s supporters, did not call the part of society and the media terrorists, and that was precisely what he saw as hypocrisy and double standards. Langdon agreed with this message.
At the same time, several people at once accused Langdon of homophobia, transphobia and anti-Semitism.
The actor did not react to this.
See Also: Lucasfilm Learning From Battlefield V: Against Our Ideology? Don’t buy Star Wars books!…
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