The Pre-Sequel fills the blank spots between the first two events of Borderlands . Storage valuable substance “eridium” on Pandora already looted, but the odious villain, Handsome Jack wit so far only dream of laurels president of the corporation “Hyperion.
” The Pre-Sequel brings the characters to the satellite Pandora Elpis, local moon. In the story of the space station “Helios” attacked by marauders from the rebel organization “Forgotten
Legion”. An ordinary worker station programmer John (which, as you know, and will Handsome Jack), is to help the four mercenaries, adventurers, among which were the bosses of Borderlands 2 (William and Nis), Gladiator Athena, familiar from the original game, as well as intrusive Kleptrepov coming.
Yes, you heard right – the first time in the series, we will play for the little man-robot. Unlike the rest of it does not need oxygen in a vacuum Elpis (although he still complains:
“Damn my psychosomatic need to breathe!”). His unique skills based on the use of malware, which randomly triggers spetsumeniya one of six characters from Borderlands 2.
It also enables you to shoot magic bullets, with unpredictable effects – in other words, not a character, and an absurd coincidence! In addition, Kleptrepov coming and Wilhelm have robotic minions that are excellent helpers in battle.
The fighting became even more fun and more dynamic than ever before. All the matter in the magical gadget oxygen.
Mechanics of the game at first glance remained unchanged, that is, of course, not the case. The moon is full of oxygen-free vacuum zones with low gravity.
The characters from the lack of air in the dark eyes, it begins to seem that the character was about to lose consciousness, and his eyes burst, like grapes (we also thought of “Total Recall” final!). Perhaps that is why first met NPC advises us not to think of the grapes. And that is true.
2K Australia turned unfriendly climate in the main advantage of the game: in vacuum zones can and should move with the help of oxygen tanks that extend the capabilities of your character.
In the low gravity of your character jump higher, and “backpack” with air is used as the jetpack, which is useful not only for flights on short distances, but also for double jumps, speed and even flatten enemies (a sharp drop will turn your opponents into cake!).
Oxygen gadget – not God knows what improvement, but returned to the Borderlands 2 after The Pre-Sequel, you will feel how much is not enough of this device. And the game with the active use of cylinders only acquired over time, it becomes more fun.
Almost everywhere in the starry sky visible Pandora and crumpled Space station, which will be a long time to roast Elpis, the moon destroying the core.
By the way, with the air supply of kits provided with different bonuses and change in exactly the same way as shields, grenades and firearms – in the inventory. In addition to bottles of O2 2K Australia added to the game one million new shotguns, rocket launchers and assault rifles. Appeared and a new type of weapon – lasers, as well as the cryogenic effect that turns opponents in blocks of ice.
Laser guns was so powerful and versatile that I have used most of their passage. In the world of games they produce four competing companies, so the functionality is very different from the weapons (lasers with a slow fire, Railgun, rate – blasters and splitters). In fact, the new stems function as the flamethrower in the vacuum of space, but with all sorts of tricky effects like fire, electric shock and corrosion.
And oxygen kits, and low gravity, and new weapons are needed only in order to increase the degree of chaos, things happening on the screen.
It is best to play characterizes one of the main mottos of Hotline Miami – «Recklessness is awarded»: «desperation encouraged.” Break into most fights centers, including “cowboy” ability Nishi, a big fan of revolvers, Jakobs, and shoot enemies in seconds – priceless. Yes, daredevils live here long, but The Pre-Sequel always give a “second chance” – the ability to rise again, killing one of the opponents.