The first DOTA: Dragon’s Blood reviews have been published on review aggregator Rotten Tomatoes. At the time of publication of the material, the anime from Netflix was rated by four critics, three of whom were satisfied with the series. The pluses of DOTA: Dragon’s Blood include an abundance of storylines, characters and an overall atmosphere. Of the shortcomings of anime, journalists have identified a confusing narrative.
“The backstory of each character is filled with many conflicts and interesting moments. Fantasy is undoubtedly a fascinating genre. Many anime fans crave a magical medieval story with all the ingredients for an epic journey, and DOTA: Dragon’s Blood offers that to the fullest. From quirky action to gripping characters, the series is a great new adventure. ”
A journalist for Mama’s Geeky, who has not played Dota 2, also praised the anime and noted that the series would be of interest to all fantasy fans, not just Valve’s MOBA fans.
“Overall, DOTA: Dragon’s Blood is a really fantastic anime. The animation style is great, which makes many of the scenes very beautiful. There is an intriguing storyline and a spin-off that ultimately ties into the main storyline. Music and cinematography take this show to a whole new level. “
A journalist for the Spanish-language publication QiiBO noted that the authors of DOTA: Dragon’s Blood created controversial and interesting characters with a gray morality. Because of this, the reviewer even compared the anime to the first seasons of Game of Thrones.
“If I had to compare DOTA: Dragon’s Blood to other shows, I’d say it’s the best Game of Thrones-style show ever, giving us challenging characters. We have not only heroes and villains, but also characters who make questionable decisions for noble, uncomfortable or selfish reasons, depending on how you look at it. “
At the same time, the journalists agreed that some viewers will have to revise certain episodes in order to understand the plot. For some reviewers, this was not a problem, but the representative of Slant Magazine considered such a narrative a significant disadvantage and gave DOTA: Dragon’s Blood two stars out of four.
“At its best, DOTA: Dragon’s Blood is reminiscent of the famous art of Kendrick Kunkka Lim, which has been the loading screen of DotA for a long time. At times, the show matches this portrayal, creating vibrant visuals reminiscent of the game’s rich history, but most of the show is lost to inaccessible esotericism. ”
The other three journalists gave DOTA: Dragon’s Blood eight points out of ten.
The release of “DOTA: Dragon’s Blood” will take place on March 25 at the online cinema Netflix, the series will receive an official Russian voice acting. Previously, the authors of the anime presented a video dedicated to the world and locations from Dota 2. Showman Jake SirActionSlacks Kanner participated in the creation of the video.