Animation studio MAPPA celebrated its tenth anniversary. She is known for the anime “Yuri on ice“,”Magic battle“,”High school god“,”Inuyashiki“, The final season”Titan attacks“And many other works.
During the celebration, the studio published the first teaser for the upcoming anime series Chainsaw man (“The Chainsaw Man”) based on the manga by Tatsuki Fujimoto. Her protagonist, Denji, was killed by the yakuza after he was no longer useful. However, he was reborn as one with his devil pet and now became a demon hunter.
Another trailer is dedicated to the future anime film Alice and Therese’s Illusion Factory (“Alice and Teresa’s Illusion Factory”). This is the studio’s first original full-length work, before that MAPPA only did adaptations. The plot is dedicated to an ambiguous world in which the heroes use love as a weapon.
And about all the already released works of the MAPPA studio can be remembered in the anniversary video. In it, anime creators thank their viewers through the lips of their characters.
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