After “Avengers: Final” revealed the hero Keanu Reeves

The highest-grossing blockbuster in the history of the movie Avengers: Final concluded the stories of many superheroes, but freed up a place for new ones, among whom was the character Keanu Reeves.

Fans of the movie “Avengers: Final” have long been waiting for the appearance of a new character, played by the popular actor Keanu Reeves, reports. Movie Universe Fans Marvel they wonder what image he will appear in. The creators of “Avengers 4” have already said that for several years they are looking for ideal options for some famous actors. Among them is Keanu Reeves. Now the network has information about two new characters who will first appear before the audience in the film “Thor: Love and Thunder”. One of them will be the Silver Surfer. Other sources claim that it is in this cult character that Keanu Reeves will reincarnate.

In the Silver Surfer comics, their name is Norrin Rudd, reports. He was born on the planet Zenn-La, where an incredibly advanced civilization lived in a utopian world. The world-eater Galactus flew to them. To stop him, Rudd agreed to become his messenger Silver Surfer. He had to look for other living worlds to feed Galactus. This character is associated with the Fantastic Four, so the rights to it belonged to FOX. After the deal with Disney, the rights returned to Marvel, so only after “Avengers: Final” Surfer got the opportunity to appear on large screens.

The same source claims that after “Avengers: Final” will appear another character known to fans of comics Beta Ray Bill. He was one of the first after Thor to be worthy to raise the Mjolnir hammer. Beta Ray Bill will be another character in the action movie Thor: Love and Thunder. There is also information that Christian Bale should play it.

The premiere of the film “Thor: Love and Thunder” is scheduled for November 5, 2023. This will be the first picture after Avengers: Final, in which viewers will again see Thor and Valkyrie.