After “Avengers Final” revealed the enemy worse than Thanos

The authors of the films “Avengers: Infinity War” and “Avengers: Final” have already announced several future projects that will continue to talk about those superheroes who survived. In one of these films, the return of a terrible enemy is revealed, which turned out to be even stronger than the crazy titan of Thanos, and was never finally defeated.

The network has information about the plans of the authors of the cinema Marvel to the Fourth phase, which after the “Avengers Final” will begin in 2023 with the release of the film “Black Widow”. As it became known, the films plan to return a terrible enemy, which had previously encountered at least two Avengers – Thor and the Hulk. This is the death goddess Hela, who was played by Kate Blanchett in the movie Thor 3: Ragnarok. It is expected that the heroine, whose deaths the audience never saw in the previous film, will return on screen in the movie “Thor 4: Love and Thunder” for a decisive battle with Thor, who, together with Loki, tried to get rid of her, destroying the entire Asgard.

The new information notes that it is still unknown whether Hela will return in the film “Thor 4: Love and Thunder”, or for another Marvel film, but her return will almost certainly take place in the future after “Avengers 4 Final”. At the same time, in the next projects Hela will not necessarily turn out to be an adversary of superheroes, and maybe even unite with them in the face of some new threat, as well as to save New Asgard on Earth. It is worth noting that back in September, Cate Blanchett said in an interview that she was ready to return to the role of Hela in future projects as soon as she was called. The actress also noted the fact that the audience does not see how Hela dies, and therefore the Goddess of Death always has the opportunity to return.

Fans consider Hela to be one of the most powerful opponents faced by superheroes on the screen, and put even higher than the titan of Thanos. Viewers note that Hel easily succeeded in destroying Thor’s hammer with his bare hands, while Thanos armed with a sword, with visible difficulty, destroys Captain America’s shield in Avengers Finale. In addition, Thanos without Infinity Stones does not have any special powers besides its invulnerability, which cannot be said about the mighty Hel.

The release of the movie Thor 4: Love and Thunder is scheduled for November 5, 2023. Probably, the picture will be the last in the Marvel cinematic universe with the participation of Chris Hemsworth (Chris Hemsworth) in the role of Thor, who first appeared in this image back in 2011. According to, Thor was the only one among the entire Avengers team to receive as many as 4 solo projects at the MCU.