New data has appeared on the network that is said to indicate support for ray tracing technology on video cards Intel Xe. Recent rumors indicate that mention of the new technology was found in the Intel API DXR driver code for the GPU.
Their source favors _rogame enthusiast, who claims that the code has already been sent to major software developers. Moreover, according to him, the video card Intel Xe DG1 will be the first “blue” model with support for ray tracing.
At the same time, experts believe that Intel will implement hybrid beam processing through a bunch of CPU + GPU. This will improve game performance and run raytracing even on the integrated graphics. Finally, the source does not exclude that the “blue” can receive hardware acceleration of ray tracing earlier than the cards AMD.
Note that a similar bundle has already been implemented in the Intel Larrabee system, but then the project was not implemented. It remains to wait for ready-made solutions line Dg1 and Dg2to draw conclusions.