“A simple Switch seems dull in its background”: Western media shared their first impressions of the Nintendo Switch OLED

Company Nintendo invited American journalists to personally get acquainted with announced earlier this week by the Nintendo Switch OLED console… Their previews were released today IGN, The verge and GameSpotThe reviewers were able to test the system in handheld mode using several games as an example, but they were forbidden to take photos and shoot videos in the office. Nintendo of america

In general, the Nintendo Switch OLED left a pleasant experience for the representatives of the largest Western sites. They agree that this upgrade is not for everyone, but it can please not only newbies, but also owners of older versions of Switch.

The new OLED screen is generally praised

“Sitting in Nintendo’s California office, I already knew all the basic details of the Switch OLED. It got a larger, 7-inch OLED display, a new stand, more internal storage and some minor changes to the overall design. This is not the Switch Pro that many have been waiting for. , but just Switch with a big and beautiful screen.

I understood and said all this, but after half an hour of playing Mario Kart 8 Deluxe and The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild on Switch OLED, I think that the word “just” in the previous sentence is not entirely true. The Switch OLED has gotten a bigger, more beautiful screen, and that’s more than enough to justify its existence – and possibly its $ 350 price tag. The Verge Dieter Bon

Bon said his biggest concern was that the typical Switch gaming problems would be more pronounced on Switch OLED, given that the display grew to 7 inches and the resolution remained at 720p.

“I was afraid that the picture would become more uneven, and the pixels would be more conspicuous. So, the pixels seemed noticeable to me when I pressed pause and began to specifically peer and search for them. But as soon as I continued to play, the overall impression was reduced to the fact that the screen has become larger, and the picture looks brighter and richer. “

After Switch OLED handheld console screen Switch lite, which the journalist has used for the last year, seems to him very dull and cloudy

Bon did not figure out which matrix is ​​used in Switch OLED – RGB or Pentile, but according to his feelings, we are talking about the first option.

In turn, the author of IGN Tom Marks took the original Nintendo Switch for testing and compared it directly to the new one. The difference in screens is very big

“The power of the new display comes out right out of the box. It’s bright and crisp from every angle. The original Switch appears dull against this backdrop. The colors of the OLED model are so intense that the grassy fields in The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild look almost cartoonish. green when comparing the picture on both consoles side by side. I’m not kidding. “

GameSpot Explorer Alessandro Fillari went even further and took to the Nintendo office not only the original Switch, but also the PS Vita, the first handheld console with an OLED display.

“From my gaming session on Switch OLED, which, unfortunately, could not be recorded on video, it became clear that her screen outperformed the Switch and PS Vita display both statically and dynamically. The improvements are visible to the naked eye.

The strengths of the OLED screen were already well shown in the introductory part of The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. Then we launched Mario Kart 8 Deluxe, which runs at 60fps, and it felt incredibly smooth and crisp to me on the new screen. It will be very interesting to test my other favorite games here, like Bayonetta 2 and Super Smash Bros. Ultimate “.

Fillari admits that users who are used to playing the Switch in stationary mode are unlikely to be directly amazed by the new OLED display, but portable gaming enthusiasts will immediately notice the difference.

Journalists also spoke positively about the new Switch OLED speakers

“The Switch OLED has got bigger speakers, the sound has improved, and this adds to the atmosphere in a very positive way. The volume should be enough even to play outdoors – both alone and with friends,” – said the GameSpot editor.

“I’m not an audiophile, but the difference seemed to me noticeable, if not overwhelming. The soundtrack of Mario Kart 8 Deluxe shone with new colors, and the sound in The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild has become deeper. To be honest, I usually do not use Switch without headphones, but this update will certainly delight those who use, “added the author of IGN.

Finally, journalists unanimously praised the Switch’s new adjustable leg, which will definitely prevent the console from falling when playing in tabletop mode, and the updated docking station. Nintendo not only provided it with a LAN port (which, however, has not yet been tested), but also made the edges less sharp, which should save users from unnecessary scratches.

Reviewers think Switch OLED will be a great option for newbies, especially if they’re going to play a lot in handheld mode.… For everyone else – based on needs.

“The OLED model is not a ‘true successor to the Switch’ and that’s okay. I’m still happy with my current console, but I don’t rule out switching to a new one after seeing the games on it in action,” concluded the GameSpot journalist.

Switch OLED will be released in Russia on October 8 and will be sold at a price of 30,500 rubles.

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