New line-up offlaner Natus Vincere by Dota 2 Roman RAMZES666 Kushnarev beat Victor GeneRaL Nigrini on a number of indicators indicating the professional achievements of the players. The GOSU.AI analytical service has shared infographics illustrating the results of the comparison of e-sportsmen.
The image provides information on player earnings, statistics on the number of victories, and a comparison of KDA. In addition, the infographics highlighted the preferred heroes of the two esportsmen, as well as those characters on which they were most successful.
On April 4, the esports club Natus Vincere announced changes in the Dota 2 roster. GeneRaL was excluded from the team, and RAMZES666 took its place in the roster. Later, Nigrini commented on the situation, saying that his former teammates violated the verbal agreement that the team will play in the squad without replacements until the end of the season and The International 10 tournament.
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Source: GOSU.AI