A house from the “Parasites” was built in The Sims 4 – review

The luxurious mansion of the wealthy Pak family in the Korean film “Parasites“Actually acts as one of the main characters. It is no coincidence that the creators of the film so carefully approached its architecture and interiors: it was practically built in the pavilion.

Now thanks to Korean designer and architect Simkoong Architect, you can see how the mansion would look in The sims 4. The player reproduced the main features of the complex architecture of the house, although the capabilities of the game editor did not allow to create an exact copy.

But the builder gave credibility to his site using precise details. For example, an intercom in front of the entrance, a tent in the son’s room and even his drawing on the living room wall. Not without the main secret of the mansion – the secret room.

From 4:49, you can see a kind of tour of the built-up house, in which the designer successfully combined the game video with shots from the film “Parasites.” So those who still have not watched the best movie of the year according to the version of “Oscar“, Spoilers should be wary.

영화 ‘기생충’ 속 저택을 심즈로 만든다면?ㅣMovie PARASITE House Build in the Sims 4

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