A convincing “argument” can return the audience: Russian cinemas will open in July

Cinemas in Russia will again begin to function from mid-July 2023. This was told to reporters by the Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation on issues of the digital economy and innovation, communications, the media, culture, tourism and sports Dmitry Chernyshenko.

According to the Deputy Prime Minister, Russian viewers managed to miss their favorite actors. However, it is imperative to take precautions in a pandemic that is declining.

“We must ensure strict compliance with anti-virus safety measures, including special seating density, use of personal protective equipment, and distance,” Chernyshenko emphasized, adding that the opening of theaters and concert halls will have to wait until the fall of 2023.

In late May, officials from Rospotrebnadzor and Ministry of Culture prepared a set of recommendations that cinema networks should adhere to. So, the audience should wear masks, and in the hall the distance between the seats should be at least one meter (an exception is made for members of the same family).

Directly CEO of the network “KaroOlga Zinyakova told the publication “Vedomosti“that movie theaters are set to open in July because of the movie Christopher NolanArgument“(Tenet), which should be the main premiere of the summer. The fact is that the rest of the studios postponed the premieres of their tapes for the fall or generally for 2023.

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