Official Japanese Franchise Website “Attack of the Titans“shared information about the start of the final season of the anime adaptation. The show will return to the screens already 7 december and will be broadcast on Japanese channel NHK… In turn, the premiere on the platform Crunchyroll will take place “before the end of the year“.
As previously reported, the team is responsible for the last episodes of the famous anime MAPPA, instead of the usual Wit Studio.
The director of the new anime was Yutio Hayashi, senior designer – Tomohiro Kishi, and the music will be written Hiroyuki Sawano and Kota Yamamoto…
Original manga “Attack of the Titans“for authorship Hajime Isayama published since 2009. The plot of the work tells about an atypical world where the remnants of destroyed humanity are hiding behind high walls from frightening and deadly carnivorous titans. To fight the monsters, special militarized detachments go out, which sometimes, at the cost of their lives, have to protect others from giant monsters.
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