New Witchfire First Person Shooter Screenshots – review

Studio developers The astronauts published four new screenshots of their first-person shooter Witchfirewhere you can see the location with a lake and a village in the forest. The authors note that the final version of the game may look different.

The developers also shared the changes that they made to the automatic pistol, giving it a raid of the so-called gas-tube fantasy. In addition, the authors showed some Witchfire assets, including animal skulls, iron bowls for eternal flame, brick buildings, and enemy weapons.

Finally, the developers responded to player comments that Witchfire looks a lot like Destiny. Gamers paid special attention to the so-called “gunplay” (the behavior of weapons and the general feeling of shooting).

Some people believe that Destiny rules. Others think she sucks. But no one or almost no one complains about the gameplay. Bungie I did not invent it, but brought it to perfection. This game, of course, has become our inspiration when it comes to shooting from a weapon or moving with it.

However, what is already noticeable in internal builds, the further development goes, the less our Destiny becomes similar to Destiny. When Witchfire is complete, there will be no more confusion.

The astronauts

Witchfire release date is still unknown.