3D Modeler Reimagines Drow Ranger from Dota 2 in Cyberpunk 2077 Style

Filipino Rafael Benedict, who specializes in creating 3D models, presented his work with Drow Ranger from Dota 2. He portrayed a character in the style of Cyberpunk 2077. The result was published on reddit.





Benedict dressed Drow Ranger in a metal suit. Among the details, the character’s shoes stand out – instead of the usual boots, you can see roller skates in the image. The hero holds a mechanical bow in his hands.

The Filipino said that he was inspired to create the model by the idea of ​​how the heroes of “Dota” would look in the universe of Cyberpunk 2077. He noted that this work is his reimagining of Drow Ranger, which is now ready to walk the streets of Night City.

Source: www.artstation.com

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