20-year-old girl decided to sell innocence and revealed the terrible truth

It became known about another young and beautiful girl who decided to part with her innocence for a rather large amount, and also told why she was doing this.

20-year-old Amanda from Switzerland has exposed her innocence at a special auction site specializing in this. According to Gamebomb.ru, the girl posted her profile, and also posted several of her photos. However, according to Amanda, she did not decide on this for the sake of a beautiful life. As the girl said, at the age of 18 she had a terrible car accident. The car in which it was flying flew into the fence, and then flew into the river. In the end, the doctors managed to save and cure Amanda, however, after that, she began to have new problems.

Amanda had an accident outside of Switzerland. Therefore, the cost for her treatment, transportation services, car repairs and various medical bills turned out to be very large. All accounts were sent to her parents, who now need to raise a fairly large amount to pay off the debt. That is why Amanda decided to sell innocence. The girl plans to get at least 50 thousand pounds (a little more than 4 million rubles). In addition, the girl insists that she “does not care” with whom to lose innocence. “The accident made me realize that life cannot be planned. Innocence no longer matters to me as it used to. I don’t care with whom I’ll lose her, ”Amanda said.

According to Gamebomb.ru, Amanda also said that a car accident imposed some restrictions on her, because of which she began to have problems with work.