To access the CS: GO ranked modes, you now need to buy prime status

This week Valve released an update for a competitive shooter Counter-Strike: Global Offensivethat affected the accounts of players without prime status.

The developers recalled that in December 2018 CS: GO became shareware. Since then, all players, including newbies, have had access to item drops, ranks, titles, and even the ability to get prime status.

“Unfortunately, over time, these benefits have become overused, and as a result, both new and experienced players have suffered, so today we are reviewing the content available to newcomers,” – Valve.

With the release of the update, accounts without prime status:

  • cannot receive experience, ranks, titles and randomly dropped items;
  • cannot earn prime status for the time spent in the game;
  • cannot play in ranked modes;
  • cannot activate items that give bonus experience and receive service medals.
The authors note that players can keep their rank and experience if they buy prime status in the next two weeks. IN Steam Prime status can be purchased for 1150 rubles.

At the same time, the developers presented unrated versions of the Competitive, Companions and Forbidden Zone modes, where newcomers will now play and where you cannot get a rank. However, the selection of teams is still based on the skill of the players.

Players with prime status can also play in unrated modes, but there their rank does not change and does not affect matchmaking.

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