Thief of womens hearts and the head of the underworld – cosplay on Sett from League of Legends

The cosplay model under the pseudonym Taryn Cosplay recreated the image of the champion Sett from League of Legends. The pictures were posted on Twitter.




Sett is a key figure in Ionia’s thriving underworld. He was a fighter in the underground arena, but then he managed to gain authority and very soon he himself took over this business. Sett began to arrange fights in which he once participated. In League of Legends, he fights in close combat. His main weapons are bestial strength and powerful fists.

Previously, cosplayer Michaela Lee has recreated several of the other League of Legends champion Katarina. Among them were “Arbiter Katarina” and “Mercenary Katarina”.

Cosplay on Sett from League of Legends. Cosplayer: Taryn Cosplay. Photographer: Daniele Cosenza. Source: twitter @cosplay_taryn

  • Cosplayer: Taryn Cosplay.
  • Photographer: Daniele Cosenza.