Sony is not sure about the success of Black Cat and Sable films without Spider-Man

Gina Prince Whitewood (Love and Basketball), which could become a director and screenwriter of a film about Black cat and Silver sable, talked about the problems of the project.
As previously known, Sony planned to remove a common tape about two heroines, but then decided to break it into solo albums, because the characters have “quite interesting stories” in isolation from each other.

According to Bytwood, who is likely to remain only the producer of the projects, the authors had good material in their hands, however, the situation changed significantly due to the success of solo albums on Spider man.

The studio wondered if these tapes could even work without a friendly neighbor participating in them, and whether or not to integrate the superhero into spin-offs at least a little.

Sony will probably ask these questions again after the sequel “Venoma” and “Morbius”. Especially the latter, because the first “Venom” managed to become a hit without the participation of the Spider.

True, in the case of Morbius hints of the character flickered already in the trailer – besides, the ribbon should appear Michael Keatonseems to be in the image Vulture.

At the same time, Bytwood hopes to return again to discussing the fate of Cats and Sable with the studio after finishing work on her new film – The Immortal Guard.

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