Sony has registered a patent for a system for interaction between stream viewers and players

Company Sony Interactive Entertainment filed a new patent for a system designed to allow viewers to directly influence online gaming. The corresponding document was found in the official register of the US Patent and Trademark Office.

According to the description of the patent, Sony is interested in tightly integrating a standalone software plug-in for various online game broadcasts, such as those hosted on the platform Twitch via consoles Playstation 5The idea is to provide viewers with tools to vote to exclude or even remove players from online matches and online lobbies.

The reason for initiating a vote for the removal of a player may be his dishonest behavior – the notorious “toxicity“, willful sabotage of the match, weak skill or any other reason.

It is noteworthy that according to the description presented in the document, it will be possible to remove players from broadcasts through voting by using a special “currencies“Players will be able to pay a fixed price for voting rights. The system also offers the ability to create auctions where your offer can be.”killed“at the rate of another viewer.

The above “currency” is described without indicating any real financial spending, so it is possible that we are talking about a system of virtual points.

Recall that earlier Sony also registered another patent of a related focus – he describes the in-depth system of organizing gaming tournaments on PlayStation consoles

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