Phil Spencer praises PS5’s DualSense and plans to release a new Xbox controller

Kinda Funny Gamescast podcast live Phil Spencer started talking about the controller Xbox… Head of the gaming division Microsoft said that in the near future, you should not wait for the release of any important accessories like a VR headset, but the likelihood of an updated controller will be released

“I am very impressed with the evolution of Liz Hamren’s team and the work she has done,” Spencer said. “We’re definitely thinking about different kinds of devices that will help bring more games to more places. We will probably work on the controller. I think Sony has done a good job with their device. We will consider some ideas and, [думаю], there are things that we need to add. “

Microsoft bundled the Xbox Series X | S with a traditional controller, only changing the internals. Sony, in turn, went the other way, completely redesigning the device and equipping it with new features: tactile feedback and adaptive triggers.

The Redmond company conducted a survey of its customers earlier this year. Microsoft wanted to ask Xbox Series X | S owners what DualSense features they would like to see on their Xbox controller.

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