Marvel fans asked to “resurrect” Tony Stark via ad

Los Angeles residents take notice of MCU billboard Marvel

On it, fans of the studio tapes asked her to “resurrect” Tony Starkwho died in “Avengers: Endgame” after using the Infinity Gauntlet. This is required to be done “for the sake of our beloved hero.”

Why such a request has arisen right now is not clear, because almost two years have passed since the release of “Final”.

However, this is unlikely to really happen – Robert Downey Jr. has repeatedly stated that he did everything possible for his character, and Marvel now has completely different plans for the development of the universe.

In particular, on the topic “Iron Man” are developing a series with a heroine Riri Williams, which received the nickname “Iron Heart”. In addition, a show about War Machine, which tells how Stark’s technique fell into the wrong hands.

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