Gucci handbag in Roblox is more expensive than in real life

In a creative sandbox Roblox some joint events are regularly held, and one of them is a virtual exhibition Gucci… It opened on May 17 and will run until May 31. Everyone can take a walk through the specially built world of the “Gucci Garden” and buy or even get virtual copies of clothes and accessories of the fashion house for their avatars.

Most products become available for purchase on a random basis, their circulation is limited, and the demand for them is great. It is not surprising that the lucky ones put their mined items up for auction – and there prices for them are already incomparable with the modest starting ones.

A handbag from the old Dionysus collection with a bee attracted attention on the net. More precisely, the fact that someone bought it at auction for 350 thousand robaxes – in real money it is about $ 4,115. At the same time, in the official Gucci store, a handbag from a fresh collection costs $ 2,450.

Most likely, the buyer of a fashionable handbag earned robaxes for it by honest persistent play. But it’s no secret that Roblox is a game that is very popular among children, and 67% of its audience has not reached the age of 16. And children willingly resort to parental credit cards to pay for very important gaming transactions.

Currently, the excitement around the “Gucci Bee” has subsided, handbags are selling for 53 thousand robaxes. That’s “only” about $ 610.

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