Cross-platform progress will appear in Apex Legends no earlier than next year

Support for cross-platform play appeared in Apex legends back in October last year, but battle royale still does not support cross-platform progress.

In a session answering user questions Reddit developers from the studio Respawn noted that support for cross-platform progress will not appear in Apex Legends until next year.
“Cross-platform progression is damn hard to implement. It’s not just that you need to solve the technical problem of merging existing accounts, but also legal issues related to purchases on other platforms.

Different regions have different laws. This is a complete mess. But we are working on it, and we are determined to implement cross-platform progression. ”- Ryan Rigney, Director of Public Affairs.

When asked about the release of the update for the next generation consoles, the developers could not answer anything definite and did not even share an approximate release date. “Trust us, an update is in the works and we are excited about it too.” – Ryan Rigney

Finally, the authors noted that the new Ciar legend was too strong at the start and that the balance will change in the upcoming character patch.

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