343i will return graphics from the original Xbox to Halo 1 of The Master Chief Collection

343 Industries decided to improve the graphics first Halo of The master chief collection, returning some of the lost effects – they disappeared when transferring the original from Xbox to PC.

Halo: Combat Evolved was released in 2001 on Xbox, and a couple of years later, thanks to the efforts Gearbox appeared on PC. However, then still young developers made a number of omissions, due to which a number of effects were absent on the PC. Among them:

  • Captain Keyes’ model looked much worse
  • energy shields did not turn red when damaged
  • various effects on the Covenant looked noticeably worse
  • the smoke is gone
  • the detail of the maps is reduced.

One example of a downgrade – the ship’s field looked much worse

When creating the remake of Combat Evolved for the anniversary (where you can change the graphics to the original by pressing a button), they took the PC version from Gearbox as a basis, which is why a graphically simplified version of the first part got into The Master Chief Collection.

All of this is now being fixed in the studio – many improvements can already be tested in the new beta of Halo: The Master Chief Collection, which was released last week.

See the video below for a look at a comparison between the original and the two versions in Halo: The Master Chief Collection.

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